Saturday, July 31, 2010


Originally uploaded by Connie Vickers
In one of Nelson DeMille's novels the main character had been shot multiple times and barely escaped with his life. When asked how he managed to survive, he stated, "with gunshot wounds it's like real estate...location, location, location." I feel the same way about the view from my kitchen.

Cape Lookout

Cape Lookout
Originally uploaded by Connie Vickers
I had the opportunity to spend a few days with some of my art teacher buddies in July at the beach. We had great fun catching up and spent one of our days at Cape Lookout. We took a water taxi over to the island and got to see a few of the wild horses of the Outer Banks of NC. The horses were a first for me. A great day and a great experience!

Journal Front Page

Journal Front Page
Originally uploaded by Connie Vickers

Just when you think I have finally given up, I come up with another post. Go figure! I am taking a class with Laure Ferlita on Journaling and really enjoying her ideas, suggestions, demos and instruction. It is always great to be in a class and see familiar names (keeps me in a comfort zone on that level anyway). Inspiration from classmates and an urgency to make something NOW in order to keep up with assignments is just what I needed. Now let's see if I can get on to page two!